What you will learn in this course

Developing IOS Apps for use on devices such as iPhone, iPad and other IOS supported devices can take years to learn, so Phonlab has made it easy by jumpstarting the learning process teaching you what is relevant and necessary right now to develop iOS Applications.

Currently, Apple provides what we like to call the easy way and the hard way to build iOS Apps. The easy way, being programming in Swift, a relatively new and powerful programming language developed by Apple to replace (or at least work alongside with) Objective-C which is the hard way. Objective-C has been around for literally, ages and the syntax (yes, the way you have to write the code) is quite possibly the hardest thing to learn on the surface of the earth. Swift, on the other hand, is quite possibly one of the easiest programming languages to learn if you're a beginner.

I like to call Objective-C, the land of square brackets, due to the fact that most of the syntax includes a lot of them making it quite ugly to write. Swift, on the other hand, is much cleaner and reliable for a beginner in iOS development. On this course, we're going to work with Swift and you're going to learn how to code in this programming language - the best part is that no programming knowledge is required.

The curriculum

The 1st section

You will learn how to configure your development machine so that you can start coding on it, you will get to know about Apple Developer accounts and the differences between a paid developer account and a free developer account. How to install Xcode and how to create your first Xcode project. You will get to learn some basics about Xcode's interface and the provided tools (like the iOS Simulators).

The 2nd section

This section is reserved for some Xcode basics. We're going to learn together about User Interfaces and some basic tools that Xcode provides to help us build the interfaces. This is a basic introduction in which we talk about the core components of a Xcode project, such as Storyboards, View Controllers, Icons, Objects and Launch Screens.

In the 3rd section

Here we get involved in Swift's syntax. We're going to use the included Swift Playground in order to learn the Swift programming language and the key programming concepts such as variables, constants, functions, classes, inheritance, If statements, else clause, loops and so on.

In the 4th section

Diving into Swift a bit deeper. We're leaving the comfort zone created by the Swift Playground and we're moving to practical examples of Swift programming in a real Xcode project. We're learning about handling labels, buttons, frameworks, 3D Touch integration, on-screen alerts, UI customization and content sharing from your app to social media. As you can see, in this section we deep-dive into Swift and we code real-world Applications.

The 5th section

The 5th section is reserved for CocoaPods and macOS Terminal. As an iOS Developer, we must know how to use both of these, and even if you're a beginner, it is better to learn them now as you will be able to include them in your projects by the time you finish this course which helps a lot. This section will develop your ability to search for documentation, to take design decisions and to code around a 3rd-party component. It will also make you familiar with the macOS Terminal.

The 6th section

Learning about the iOS Security. Our application can deal with sensitive data like Card Numbers, passwords, usernames and tokens, so it is a very good idea to be aware of the security risks and how to mitigate them. You will learn about the iOS Keychain and how to use it, about Jailbreak, and about Jailbreak Detection. You will also learn about bad security practices. Be one step ahead of the hackers. :)

For the 7th section

we've got something special. With the knowledge you've accumulated from the previous sections, you're now able to publish your first iOS Application. You will learn how to build an application from scratch, create its icons, its graphical assets, use CocoaPods in your project, code your application, test your application, and finally, publish your application for a review.

The 8th section

Lets you test your skills and can even get you a Phonlab certificate :)

The 9th section

This section also called the "Classes Coming Soon" helps you see what's in store. We're updating the course every week with new content so that you learn new things. You can also suggest new classes and topics to be covered.

Happy learning!

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