Welcome to Phonlab Smartphone Tech Course
Thank you for Choosing Phonlab as your Training Program for Certification as a Phonlab Smartphone Tech. We have the most comprehensive training program anywhere with over 400 video and learning guides designed to give you the skills necessary to get a Phonlab Smartphone Technician Certification. This program is software based only because the need for skilled software support techs, and is the future of repair. The skills you learn here at Phonlab will help you and your shop earn money and drive additional revenue with very little or no overhead. Software support and security on all smartphones and operating systems is getting more complex with every new update, that is why Phonlab skills are so important. Please watch every video guide and read every section so that you complete it. When you get to the end of the training and all of your classes are complete you can take our 100 question final exam for certification. We look forward to helping you here at Phonlab.